Mediocre Moms Get Better Than Mediocre Sleep
I value sleep more than most people, because I am always tired. I would like to blame the kids, but the truth of the matter is that I have suffered from fatigue since long...
I value sleep more than most people, because I am always tired. I would like to blame the kids, but the truth of the matter is that I have suffered from fatigue since long...
Let me preface this article by stating that I have the utmost respect for teachers. After all, you have to watch my kid (and God knows how awful that is) and twenty-something others every...
When I decided to start this site, for some reason it did not occur to me that other moms would have the same clever idea. (I don’t know why; women are pretty smart). So...
In case you missed it, the trailer for the upcoming movie “Bad Moms”, debuting on July 29th, 2016, has been released. I appreciate the title and what they are going for. It certainly evoked...
Ironically, my generation was labeled the “me” generation, because allegedly we were selfish and self-absorbed. It’s ironic because if you look at the current parenting trends, at least with regards to our children, we...
Every superhero has an origin story. Spiderman got bitten by a radioactive spider. Captain America was given a secret shot by the government. And we all know what happened to Batman’s parents. Sadly, my...
If you want to perform an interesting case study, go to any park or play-place one morning. You will see all different kinds of moms. (For the record, you will also see dads too. ...
As any mother can tell you, they don’t need to go far online to feel inferior. There are dozens of blogs, articles, and parenting sites all providing “helpful” advice about how to be the...